Strategic Plan

2024 - 2028

A groomer heads into an orange sunset.


Crested Butte Nordic fosters outdoor experiences and community well-being through high-quality programs, events, and winter trails. 


Crested Butte Nordic sets the standard of excellence for outdoor winter recreation through accessible, inclusive, and fun nordic-focused programming for all ages and abilities. We host high-quality recreational events that offer unique community experiences.  Through strong local partnerships, Crested Butte Nordic maintains an extensive winter trail system that connects residents and visitors to our natural surroundings.

The moon sets over a snowy ridge.
A skier heads into a snowy wonderland.

Focus Area 1:
Organizational & Fiscal Sustainability

Organizational Talent

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Implement an all-staff survey to understand needs across departments.

    • Develop an understanding of local and regional non-profit salary ranges to assess how CB Nordic can plan for and provide competitive salaries.

    • Re-evaluate staff benefit options and professional development opportunities.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Identify improvement opportunities across departments.

    • Implement improved staff benefits and support impactful professional development opportunities.

    • Prioritize staff salary growth in long-range budget planning.


    • Employment at CB Nordic will be considered a career opportunity for bright and innovative people.

    • Over four years, CB Nordic will maintain an average 75% or higher return rate for all staff.

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Identify key roles and tasks for annual cross-training opportunities.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Regularly practice cross-training among staff for key roles and tasks.

    • Continue development and documentation of standard operating procedures for key roles and procedures.

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Determine opportunities for providing employee housing for current and/or future staff.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Engage applicable partners to establish housing opportunities for current and/or existing staff (i.e., Board Members or donors prioritize rental units for CB Nordic staff). Assess new housing opportunities as they arise.


    • CB Nordic will be positioned to coordinate housing opportunities for staff. 

Board & Committee Organization

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Identify opportunities to Improve committee-board reporting for more efficient meetings.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Implement and practice improved efficient Committee - Board reporting.


    A high-functioning Board will:

    • Maintain active committees with expertise to address relevant needs.

    • Actively fulfill, promote, and perpetuate the mission of CB Nordic.

    • Represent the organization with a shared voice. 

  • Near and Medium-Term Actions

    • Develop opportunities to improve collegial relationships among the staff and Board (Board-driven!).

Fiscal Sustainability

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Develop a strong understanding of appropriate Capital and Operating Reserve goals.

    • Ensure reserve funds are adequately managed and invested to best serve the organization.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Begin strategically working towards meeting Reserve goals.


    • Reserves are well managed and position CB Nordic for long-range fiscal sustainability.  

  • Maintain the quality and longevity of CB Nordic’s alternative revenue sources - programs, events, and trails. See applicable goals outlined in additional focus areas.

    Increase the number of K Club members and the number of higher-capacity givers, averaging $250k annually.

    Increase the number of donors (and high-capacity donors) who give to the Annual Fund Drive.

    Near-Term Actions

    • Attract new K Club members annually and assess K Club make-up to inform strategies that help maximize K Club retention.  

    • Assess strategies for re-structuring the K-Club (i.e., perks that attract younger families). 

    • Convert 12-15 exclusive Outpost donors to annual givers and/or K Club members.

    • Attract 15-20 new donors annually across all campaigns.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Consider development of K Club Ambassador Program to incentivize high-level givers and expand K Club demographics.

    • Enhance individualized donor outreach.

    • Identify key business sponsors and increase sponsorship levels by 10-20% in the next 3-5 years.


    • CB Nordic operates with a heightened level of financial stability and resilience, positioning it to fulfill its mission effectively. 

    • A strong and inclusive sustained giving program and community, combined with a measurable increase in K Club revenue, further strengthens CB Nordic’s fiscal sustainability. 

    • Increase donor acquisition and retention through enhanced engagement. 

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Develop an understanding of appropriate cyber security precautions across CB Nordic’s platforms and systems. 

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Implement needed systems and practices to ensure adequate cyber security.


    • CB Nordic manages efficient and secure financial information systems that meet the needs of the Board, Committees, staff, donors, and customers.

The Youth Team skis on the East Side.
A young racer enjoys the Community Race Series.
CB Nordic volunteers prepare for the JNQ races.

Focus Area 2:
Communications & Public Relations

Partner Communications

  • Near-Term Actions

    • CB Nordic representatives connect with 6-10 council/Board members annually.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Collaborate with relevant partners to address shared issues.


    • CB Nordic is seen as one of the highest-impact and professional non-profits in the Valley, a leader in collaborative efforts.

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Regularly touch base with partner organizations to share information and build trust.

    • Identify new opportunities for introducing and sharing CB Nordic services with partner organizations. 

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Remain an engaged partner in local and regional planning initiatives/committees.

    • Retain a seat on the STOR Committee. 

    • Engage in applicable municipal planning efforts. 


  • Near-Term Actions

    • Generate and send summer letters and outreach, providing landowners the opportunity to update information and/or address concerns.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Conduct end-of-season landowner survey to determine landowner level of satisfaction.


    • Landowners report feeling appreciated, included, and in the loop and serve as CB Nordic ambassadors.


  • Near-Term Actions

    • Implement new and creative ways to acknowledge volunteers.

    • Develop and implement volunteer surveys to determine valued forms of acknowledgment.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Assess and implement strategies for attracting new and youthful volunteers.


    • Volunteers feel valued and report having the tools they need to support CB Nordic.

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Research easier-to-use platforms for volunteer management. 

    • Assess CB Nordic’s current financial commitment to volunteer stewardship.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Implement an improved volunteer management platform. 

    • Assess the need and options for formalizing volunteer management across departments. 

CB Nordic Community

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Communications monitored for timing, messaging and overall brand strategy.

    • Begin to review and update of website, considering customer experience ease. 

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Ensure outreach lists are current and inclusive of new participant, program, and donor data. 

    • Community members receive only relevant and useful information coordinated across all programs.


    • Communication outlets and strategies are fresh, relevant, and received by applicable audiences. 

    • Customers can find what they need on CB Nordic’s website with ease. 

Youth team members enjoy a hug after a run race.

Focus Area 3:
Customer Experience

Event & Program Customer Experience

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Evaluate program "messaging."  Assess if CB Nordic is welcoming to all community types.

    • Move toward long-term initiatives to increase underserved population participation.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Start moving existing participants to self-sufficiency.

    • Assess and implement strategies that create a positive and welcoming environment to work in and visit. 


    • CB Nordic is welcoming of all communities and actively invites new groups to engage.

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Determine appropriate baseline data for program assessment. 

    • Continue collecting and comparing survey data to the baseline. Use evaluation data and peer-to-peer feedback to implement necessary changes. 

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Quantify what we measure and standardize year-to-year. 

    • Make program improvements based on annual participant feedback. 


    • CB Nordic is a data driven organization capable of making informed decisions and changes to drive positive customer experience.

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Re-visit and update event participant surveys to ensure we're soliciting feedback necessary to improve all aspects of participants' customer experience.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Assess and adapt event participant outreach and event operations based on survey feedback.


    • CB Nordic events have positive publicity while maintaining unique characteristics and funk!

Nordic Center Customer Experience

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Assess and improve Nordic Center Front Desk processes to support efficient customer turnover. 

    • Identify improvement needs for the Nordic Center (Front Desk and Warming House area) to facilitate positive and efficient customer and staff experiences. 

    • Identify and practice systems for sharing department knowledge that helps Front Desk staff be as informed as possible. 

    • Incorporate questions in the Season Passholder survey to better understand customer experience satisfaction.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Implement physical infrastructure improvements to the Nordic Center.

    • Assess the success of improved Front Desk processes and adapt as necessary. 


    • Customers can easily acquire the knowledge, equipment, and services they need to positively engage in CB Nordic services. 

A happy kid lines up for a youth race.
Skiers practice with infrared rifles.

Focus Area 4:
Strategic Growth & Evolution

Adult Programming Growth & Evolution

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Establish annual adult program growth benchmarks. 

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Continue encouragement of professional development of CB Nordic instructors. 


    • Program growth is of high-quality and value to the CB Nordic community.

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Assess Adult Biathlon participation to determine appropriate program growth.

    • Offer SkiMo Clinics to assess interest in new programming.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Expand Adult Biathlon as needed based on new program demand.

    • Consider partnership opportunities for SkiMo program offerings. 

    • Assess need, capacity, and potential for summer programming.

    • Remain engaged and aware of new program opportunities that align with CB Nordic’s mission.


    • Program growth is of high quality and value to the CB Nordic community.

Youth Programming Growth & Evolution

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Cultivate a collaborative leadership culture within the entire youth coaching team. 

    • Assess how best to retain non-Competitive Team participants.

    • Identify strategies for coach retention and advancement.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Continue to adapt recreation and competitive program offerings as needed to meet the needs of all participants and ensure a meaningful program tract. 


    • Engaging opportunities exist to retain Competitive and non-competitive team participants. 

    • Systems and resources are in place to support a strong Competitive Team through Junior National Championships.

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Identify fun and creative outreach opportunities to promote youth programming. 

    • Identify opportunities to improve youth program partnerships.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Work with community partners to seek new opportunities for winter and summer programs, as needed.


    • Keep the market share of youth having access to nordic skiing!

Event Growth & Evolution

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Assess the value and longevity of all CB Nordic events.

    • Develop an event matrix that helps CB Nordic understand the value and impact of existing and new events.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Use assessment to implement appropriate updated event goals. 

    • Remain engaged and aware of new event opportunities. 


    • From safety to swag – CB Nordic events are high-quality, high-functioning, and on mission. 

    • CB Nordic’s events provide an adequate revenue stream.  

Season Passholder Growth & Evolution

  • Near and Medium-Term Actions

    • Determine reasonable passholder baseline data/numbers to track passholder growth.


    • Season Pass holders report high satisfaction with the value and quality of CB Nordic services.

A beautiful sunset over the Town of Crested Butte.
The staff pose in front of the newly finished Outpost in 2024.
A skate skier approaches the Magic Meadows Yurt.

Focus Area 5:
Trails & Facilities


  • Near-Term Actions

    • Continue landowner engagement with the goal of securing permanent or semi-permanent protection of existing trails.

    • Monitor landowner change with an overview of year-to-date protection status. 

    • Investigate, assess, and prioritize key trail and trailhead infrastructure opportunities.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Understand the capacity for trail extensions off existing trails.

    • Plan for and, when feasible,  implement priority trail infrastructure projects. 


    • Remain an engaged and professional trail organization that maintains positive landowner relations, performs high-quality trail maintenance, and targets trail expansion and infrastructure opportunities.  

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Revisit and determine priority grooming strategies and policies.

    • Continue creative outreach strategies for sharing trail maintenance updates with the community (the human element!).  

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Maintain a high return rate of experienced groomers year-to-year.


    • Remain an engaged and professional trail organization that maintains positive landowner relations, performs high-quality trail maintenance, and targets trail expansion and infrastructure opportunities.  

  • Near-Term Actions

    • Inquire about a trail use study partnership with CB Land Trust and/or Western’s Masters in Environmental Management program. 

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Acquire current trail use numbers for CB Nordic paid and free trails. 


    • Remain an engaged and professional trail organization that maintains positive landowner relations, performs high-quality trail maintenance, and targets trail expansion and infrastructure opportunities.  

  • Near and Medium-Term Actions

    • Assess options for improved wayfinding and trail etiquette signage. Assess the need for Spanish signage with all new signs.

    • Increase human presence during peak times via the Trail Host Program.

    • Consider strategies for enforcing proper dog etiquette.


    • Trail users have passes, and trail etiquette and dog rules are adhered to. People know where they are and how to get where they’re going.


  • Near-Term Actions

    • Assess operations storage needs.

    • Revisit options for East or West Side cat barn.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Implement necessary changes to the use of Big Mine Park. 

    • Continued work towards securing a second cat barn. 


    • Operations staff have sufficient resources to maintain high-quality trails and support programs and events. 


  • Near-Term Actions

    • Develop a Facilities Prioritization Plan that identifies priority facility projects.

    • Determine staffing required to uphold sufficient facility maintenance.

    Medium-Term Actions

    • Begin implementation of Facilities Plan. 


    • CB Nordic facilities meet organizational needs and are responsibly and adequately maintained.