Legacy Giving
Many donors establish planned gifts because they believe in CB Nordic’s mission and work. Planned gifts from forward-thinking donors ensure that we can continue to enhance the lives of Gunnison Valley residents and visitors through outdoor recreation, programs, and unique events for generations to come.
A legacy gift can be made by naming Crested Butte Nordic as a charitable beneficiary in your existing will (by adding an update, called a codicil) or when establishing a new will. Suggested Language: “I give, devise and bequeath to the Crested Butte Nordic Council, of Crested Butte, Colorado, assets having a value equal to __% of my gross estate to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
You can also name the Crested Butte Nordic Council as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. IRA’s, 401k’s, 403b’s are effective saving vehicles. If you name Crested Butte Nordic as a beneficiary in the event of premature death, none of the assets are subject to tax.
If you have remembered Crested Butte Nordic in your will, please let us know so we can say Thank You during your lifetime.
To discuss options or questions, please contact Kylie Collins at kylie@cbnordic.org or (970) 349-1707 x2.
Thank You to our Legacy Donors
Don Mayer
Jalene Szuba
Gary and Elizabeth Keiser
Jeff Delaney
Rocky Kimball and Mary Lou Skinner