The Nordic News

Nordic News Summer 2024 Banner

Thank you for a great season!

Have a wonderful summer.

Another season has come and gone. In the dark days of December, the expanse of winter ahead can seem long and daunting, but every year, it seems to go by faster and faster. The longer days are making way for new sports and new muscle groups – watch for dryland summer offerings for the CB Nordic Team and Masters soon!

As we transition into this new season, thank you for respecting all trail closures. The CB Nordic trails pass through conserved and private land. Even though there’s still snow on the ground, it’s time to turn the land back over to the wildlife and the generous landowners who make our winter trail system possible. If you’re looking for early morning crust skiing opportunities, we suggest exploring drainages like Washington Gulch and Gothic.

In the process of turning the land back over, we’re looking for volunteers to help with Bridge Removal Days. You can sign up here for the next round on Saturday, April 20th.

Thank you all for another incredible season. Though we’re excited for the off-season, we’re already brainstorming and planning for next winter season. The snow will fly again before we know it.

See you on the (dirt) trails.

The cat grooms the springtime trails.

End-of-Season Survey

Share your feedback!

Each year, we try new things and offer different opportunities. The summer season gives us a chance to reflect on the last year and make improvements for the coming one. CB Nordic exists by and for the community, so we need your help in this annual reflection. Please share your feedback on the End-of-Season Survey. We read every response!

Enter your email at the end for a chance to win a free season pass for the 2024-2025 season.

Grin & Bear It Registration

Put a local race on your calendar.

The nordic trails are officially closed. Hartman Rocks is officially open. It’s dirt season! That means it’s time to register for the Grin & Bear It. Join us on Saturday, July 13th for the 25k loop or the traditional 15k out and back to Green Lake. Both races feature an optional (but encouraged) mid-race dip in the lake! As always, the first male and female 15k runner to the lake has the option to take the awkward load back to CB Nordic for a $100 premium. Last year, it was a nordic ski in the lake…what will it be this year?

Runners head to Green Lake during the Grin & Bear It.
Alley Loop Costume Fun!

Save the Date

Volunteer Party / Outpost Celebration

Please join us on Friday, June 14th for our annual Volunteer Appreciation Party and the official Outpost opening. This community and our amazing volunteers are the backbone of CB Nordic. Without your help and support, we could not maintain 55km of winter trails, put on unique events like the Alley Loop and The Grand Traverse, or get hundreds of local kids out on skis.

More details to come, but we hope to see you there!

You Make All the Difference

Be Part of Our Community

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Crested Butte Nordic depends on your support to keep our trails world-class and our programs top-notch. Thank you for all the time, energy, and money you donate to make us a true community nordic center.